Tuesday, 14 December 2010

What's a Cork-Asian?

Before we start this blog, I'd like to point out the cute little goldfish interactive animation I have at the top. Yes interactive folks. If you hover your mouse over it, the fish will swim towards it and if you click you'll end up feeding them.

So yea, what IS a cork-Asian? Well, it all started as a joke between me and my best friend/sister from another parent Hana. I'm Chinese, but since moving over to England when I was five and half, I've become pretty English. Essentially I'm what you call a banana. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.

Oh note to anyone who does read my blog. I do have racial tendencies. Nothing particularly offensive but all the same. This serves as my disclaimer, I will not be held responsible for any uproar caused by reading my blog. People who can't take it, get out.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yea, so anyway. I'm quite happy and always have been with the person I am and my heritage yada yada. Actually, typing this has made me realise I don't entirely know how it came to be. So I'll end it with the line 'it was a funny pun with the word Asian and cork and Hana did present me with cork from a wine bottle which I still have upstairs in my drawer'. So yea that's that.

Saying all that thing about my racial tendencies though. I'm not trying to be hypocritical; it's all well and all to have some racial banter between friends but one thing that is on my 'Things I absolutely loathe (stab stab stab)' list is when randoms shout on the streets or out of cars at you or make some wise-crack about your race.
'Thank you passer-by, I never knew in my 20 odd years that I was of Chinese heritage. My quest in life has now been answered and I can finally do what I like to best in peace, which according to you is making chicken chow mein.'
Seriously, go fuck yourself.
It just gets me SO angry! Independence makes you learn things about yourself, and I've learned of late that I'm actually quite an angry person. But this, this really does make my blood boil. Oh look I'm Chinese oh dear, but look you're fat as a pig and dressed like a chav.
*hits head against wall*

Aaaaaaand breathe.

You know what? I would like, in the future, to have a boyfriend with who I can argue with. The sex would be amazing I reckon. But funny that, growing up I was always the goody two shoes because I was so scared of authority and confrontation. I think taking up Jiu Jitsu was probably one of the better decisions I've made. Even if it does take over your life at times, it's taught me to be more confidence - Jitsu is all about the illusion of confidence, and made me feel better about my physical abilities. I've never been the most sporty girl at school but it doesn't stop you being good at Jitsu. Okay okay, I wouldn't boast I'm good at Jitsu but I must be half decent if I'm a green belt now. The people there as well, the friends I've made have definitely been a highlight. From meeting my flatmate Tashy, to my ex, to new friends like Giada. It's been good.
Although this whole paragraph sounds quite final, I have no intention of quitting Jitsu just yet.

Giada come back to England!! I miss you already!

Speaking of boyfriends. It's funny how people can just get under your skin. There's this guy who I thought quite liked me, and you know that little thought you get it in your head when someone likes you, you start having good feelings/getting interested in them? Well how annoying is it, when you start taking an interest that they seem to have none in you whatsoever. Even though they seemed to have been for the past few months. Men...
And they say women are difficult? I'm the most unsubtle and tactless person in the history of mankind. All I want is to be told straight off where I stand. How am I supposed to act if I don't know that piece of vital information?? It's like they expect you to be psychic!

1 comment:

  1. I do love the way you tell things! I could actually hear your voice in my head as I was reading your blog..cheered me up..
    I totally get the last paragraph as that happened to me not long ago (isn't that right, missy?..:P) and I have been told more than once that I'm a man in a woman's body-not because I'm attracted to women (just you lovey;P) but simply because I lack tact and tend to forget important dates and events that "other women" tend to cling to..:S
